Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Comics

Resources for New Creators + Makers working in comics.

One of the projects I’ve been working on at the Annenberg Innovation Lab is a study of The New Creators + Makers, where my team of students and I have been looking historically at the career trajectories of creative types, what commonalities exist across multiple creative industries (career stages, challenges, opportunities, etc.), and how new […]


On the Future of Comics.

On October 23rd, I had the great pleasure of co-hosting Geek Speaks: The Future of Comics with Henry Jenkins. I was thrilled to not only reunite Henry with the one and only Scott McCloud for a one-on-one discussion on McCloud’s Reinventing Comics almost 15 years later, but to then get to chair a panel of […]


FUTURECOMICS with Joe LeFavi, me, and Henry Jenkins.

Yesterday afternoon my friend Joe LeFavi and I were invited to present futurecomics1, a conversation about what’s next in the art and business of comics, in Henry Jenkins' “Comics and Graphic Storytelling” course at the USC Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism. It was the last course of the year, so Henry thought it’d be […]


If I were in Ohio…

I’d totally be attending P. Craig Russell’s appearance tonight at OSU’s Wexner Center. Here’s the description of the event from the site: Wayne Alan Harold and P. Craig Russell introduce Night Music: The Art of P. Craig Russell Night Music provides an illuminating behind-the-scenes look at one of the most acclaimed and interesting comic book […]


And just as suddenly…

Well, that was… Something. The trip to New York was a remarkable success in some regards, an all-out failure in others, and also bizarrely insightful in still others. A quick run-down: The Successes Getting to stay with Sam and Amanda one more time before their baby arrives Onigiri, cupcakes and other delicacies with Emily Texas […]


Suddenly, a Comic-Con appeared!

For the last couple of weeks, Laura’s been threatening to strangle me because I’ve been doing more waffling than Belgium. The cause? Oh, just a little thing called the New York Comic-Con. See, we went last year and had a wonderful time, and up until recently I’d been planning (and really looking forward to) our […]


On Literature and Comparative Media Studies.

(Note: I should preface this bit of writing with a warning: what follows is a first attempt to set down some things I’ve been struggling to articulate for the past couple of years. As such, it may be slightly less than ideally coherent, but hopefully out of it some clarity will emerge.) What is literature? […]


Tatar, Maguire and other luminaries.

This has been an amazing month for attending lectures. First there was Kelly Link at the Harvard Book Store, reading to promote her new book Pretty Monsters; then there was Jonathan Carroll at the Harvard Book Store, reading to promote his new book The Ghost in Love; then this week there was Maria Tatar and […]


Morpheus with Insomnia?

Many of you Gaiman fans in the audience will know Marc Hempel as the artist on the next-to-last book in the Sandman series, The Kindly Ones. Hempel apparently wasn’t quite finished with the character once the series was over – behold the lampoon episode “Insomniac” at Tales of Munden’s Bar…


Hello goodbye.

I haven’t written much about this here, but lately I’ve been mourning the loss of several of my favorite little lights: the largely introspective comic strips m@b by Matthew Blackett, and Bruno by Christopher Baldwin. Also, the largely irreverent Mac Hall has changed into Three Panel Soul, which seems to be struggling to regain its […]
