Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Comics

LOL Scott Kurtz.

It’s been a while since I’ve literally laughed out loud at a webcomic, but this PVP strip did it. In related news, my Kenyon friends and I are debating the quality of the newly-announced PVP animated project they’re trying to get off the ground over at Shannon’s LJ – stop by and weigh in.


A Softer World.

Much coolness: thanks to Fleen, I just discovered the webphotocomic a softer world. This is a media type that I’ve been kicking around the back of my head for a while now, actually, as something I might want to try at some point. We’ve seen different degrees of photography-in-comics in the past, including the hyperstylized […]


THESIS: Buffy season 8 in comics!

A quick note for my THESIS: Buffy the Vampire Slayer is doing the Transmedia Shuffle with its upcoming comics-only Season 8. Written by Joss, art by Georges Jeanty.


Meeting Scott McCloud.

I didn’t post about this before the event because I was nervous as hell, but last Thursday night I had the honor of being the first of three student respondents to none other than the world’s foremost comics theorist, Scott McCloud. When I was first asked to do this, I freaked out a little. I’ve […]


A good haul!

The crew and I just got back from WizardWorld Chicago, which was, unfortunately, smaller than last year – but I still walked out with a heck of a haul. For about a hundred bucks, I walked out with all the following: Issues 2, 3, and 4 of How to Self-Publish Comics by Josh Blaylock and […]


The Power of the Dark Crystal at Nerd Prom.

More news from Nerd Prom (SDCC), this time from Comicon.com: Brian Froud, Genndy Tartakovsky and the Henson people discuss the new movie. Man, how come Wizard World Chicago doesn’t have any of this cool stuff going down? No Henson stuff, no Hellboy stuff… WTF?


The Nerd Prom Report.

My friend and housemate Ivan just posted a collection of photos from the San Diego Comic Convention over at his Flickr account. My favorite is the one of Spidey and Black Cat checking out Spidey’s cell phone. Awesome.


Attaboy, Ryan!

So my old college friend Ryan Ruopp has just scored a new gig as Contributing Editor to UGO (Underground Online). This is so cool. His first piece is a column of comics reviews: check out Ryan’s first This Week In Comics. Congrats!


Best webcomic of the year.

I can officially say that this Diesel Sweeties is my favorite webcomic of the year so far. That is all.


My precious!

Wow. I just did a bad, bad thing. The local comic shop where I spend most of my Wednesday afternoons was having a big inventory blowout sale, and I popped by, fully resigned to spend a little money. Not a lot of money, mind you, but a little bit. I prowled the aisles. I gathered […]
