Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Art

Opening the Mystery Barn.

Yesterday I took a breather from the nonstop rollercoaster I’ve been on since the semester began. I’ve been planning the Annenberg Innovation Lab’s Think & Do event on The New Creators + Makers, which is going up in Chattanooga, Tennessee on Wednesday and Thursday next week; planning my trip to New York City immediately afterward […]


On 360º Storytelling and THE LIGHTHOUSE IN THE WOODS.

How do you tell 360-degree stories? How do you tell stories with the Connected Home? What might it mean to be a virtual reality novelist? Those were the primary research questions I set out to explore with The Lighthouse in the Woods, one of my main projects this past semester at USC’s Annenberg Innovation Lab. […]


New in the Portfolio.

I took some time this weekend to update my portfolio. Some highlights: Interactive Tangible Storytelling (2014) How might 3D printers be used as a component of a transmedia storytelling campaign? Augmented Storytelling (2014) How might wearable computing devices be used to tell unique, hyperpersonalized stories? The Lighthouse in the Woods (2014) What 360-degree, non-game storytelling […]


On Koblin and Echelman’s “Unnumbered Sparks”.

One of the most interesting new friends I’ve gotten to make during my time at USC so far has got to be Aaron Koblin, this year’s innovator-in-residence at the Annenberg Innovation Lab and the Creative Director of the Data Arts Team at Google. Aaron’s just unveiled his latest work, a collaboration with textile sculptor Janet […]


On Literature and Comparative Media Studies.

(Note: I should preface this bit of writing with a warning: what follows is a first attempt to set down some things I’ve been struggling to articulate for the past couple of years. As such, it may be slightly less than ideally coherent, but hopefully out of it some clarity will emerge.) What is literature? […]


[IAF] Poetry on the Wing.

One of the announcements I’ve been meaning to make here on this blog is that I’ve been invited to post occasionally over at the official weblog of the Interstitial Arts Foundation. I just published my first post over there, Poetry on the Wing, which is a pointer to the very interstitial work of Bulgarian artist/poet […]


Would Baudelaire hate the Kindle?

I love this new post over at HarperCollins’ HarperStudio blog: Would Charles Baudelaire hate the Kindle? As they quote the man himself: “As the photographic industry was the refuge of every would-be painter, every painter too ill-endowed or too lazy to complete his studies, this universal infatuation bore not only the mark of a blindness, […]


Masochism incarnate: NaNoWriMo AND DrawMo 2009.

Because I am completely barking mad, I’ve decided to attempt both NaNoWriMo and DrawMo this month. So far DrawMo is winning, as “Lanterns” indicates, but I have several things kicking around for the story already. I’m trying to decide if a series of interconnected short stories counts as cheating for NaNoWriMo. I hope not. (Hey, […]


Absinthe Robotte.

A new piece for my portfolio: the artwork that I created for the ABSINTHE multimedia arts salon that I emceed this past weekend in Union Square… Big props to Joelle for putting together this awesome event! (And, for the curious, a link to the original beautiful art that inspired this piece. The original is full […]


Doodle du jour: Crazy Bicycle.

Don’t mind me, just trying to get my drawing skills back – which have apparently atrophied worse than a fish’s feet.
