Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Travel

The last six months.

…And just like that, six months have gone by. Let me ‘splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up. In the past six months, I’ve: Co-taught the Annenberg Innovation Lab’s 2015 CRUNCH Student Design Challenge (an intense crash course in entrepreneurialism) with Erin Reilly, Francesca Marie Smith and Ian Donahue Guest-lectured on transmedia […]


On New Years, CES, 365 Good Days and a (Re)statement of Purpose

I’m writing this first blog post of 2015 from a hotel room high in the Riviera hotel, overlooking the delightfully bizarre wonderland that is Las Vegas. I’m in town to participate in the equally delightfully bizarre wonderland that is the Consumer Electronics Show, checking another item off my personal bucket list. Yesterday afternoon my labmates […]


On WyrdCon 4.

I’ve been to a lot of conferences in my life at this point. As in, a lot. My friend Donald Brinkman (@brinkmanship) at Microsoft Research in Seattle keeps a collection of his conference badges hanging in his office, all clustered together like some strange bundle of obscure herbs in a rustic kitchen. Me, I have […]


The Fall 2011 Lecture Circuit.

Autumn 2011 is going to see me on a lot of planes. On October 4th, I’ll be a guest lecturer in Henry Jenkins’ transmedia storytelling class at USC (see Henry’s full syllabus here – I am honored to be among some amazing presenters, and I would kill to take that class), and then I’ll be […]


Boston to Brazil and Back.

This past weekend I was fortunate enough to join my friends Maurício Mota and Mark Warshaw of The Alchemists (also here) as an invited speaker at the Descolagem lecture series in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Our hosts were Roberto “Beto” Largman and Marcia Oliveira, the founders of the Descolagem series and two genuinely warm and […]


CONATHON09.XX2: Paused.

Well, damn. My attempts at videoblogging have been temporarily paused due to an unforeseen circumstance: a shortage of hard drive space on my laptop. Once I land in San Francisco and drop my stuff off at the hotel, I may go searching for an el cheapo Flash drive or card to offload some of these […]


CONATHON09.XX: Slides and PDF

A brief interlude (hence the XX in the title) to say that my talk at Pictoplasma this afternoon went smashingly well, although I was up until 4AM last night reworking my slides into a fairly heavily reworked edition. A 25MB .zip file of the Keynote slides and PDF of said new edition is now available […]


CONATHON09.13: Checkpoint Charlie.

In which our hero wraps up his sightseeing for the day with a somber visit to the monument to the Berlin Wall.


CONATHON09.12: Marienkirche.

In which our hero arrives at Museum Island, and finds himself entranced by Marienkirche (St. Marion’s Cathedral). (Laura take note – this one has some serious shakycam action going on. Be warned…)


CONATHON09.11: Bebelplatz.

In which our hero visits the infamous Bebelplatz, where the bookburnings were held under Hitler, and discovers the monument that remains.
