Geoffrey Long
Tip of the Quill: Archives
On GoogTube.

A week or two ago I wrote an opinion piece for the official C3 newsletter, called GoogTube: TV 2.0, or Bubble 2.0? Now Henry Jenkins, the head of C3 and CMS, has republished it (with permission, of course) over at his weblog. My piece is the second of two responses to Google's acquisition of YouTube, so it starts halfway down the page. Henry introduces it (and me) as follows:

The second response comes from Comparative Media Studies graduate student Geoffrey Long and was written as part of the newsletter we share with the members of our Convergence Culture Consortium. Long came to CMS as an experienced designer and storyteller, someone who is deeply interested in the ways that technological change will impact the ways we produce, share, and consume stories. I first heard from Long when he responded to an essay I wrote for Technology Review about transmedia storytelling and we engaged with an extended and stimulating e-mail correspondence before he applied to our graduate program. Long is now hard at work (or at least is supposed to be hard at work) on a thesis which deals with Jim Henson's film projects (from The Dark Crystal to Mirrormask) as examples of transmedia entertainment and promises to be groundbreaking research. Here, though, he takes up the question of exactly what Google is buying when it purchases YouTube and explores more generally the value(s) associated with web 2.0 companies.

I'm blushing down to my socks. The piece I wrote is fun and hopefully at least a little insightful. Check it out and let me know what you think!

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