Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Thesis

Transmediating Stargate.

I’m trying to determine whether I can work this into the THESIS or not, but either way this is pretty cool. Fans of the long-running Stargate SG-1 already know that Sci-Fi canned the series last year, which means that this will be the show’s 10th and final season. Sad, but 10 years is a hell […]


THESIS: Bendis on cross-media work.

Newsarama has an excellent interview with the super-prolific Brian Michael Bendis, who is responsible for everything from Powers to Jinx to Ultimate Spider-Man to the most recent animated Spider-Man series. My favorite bit is the following exchange: DF: You’ve anticipated a question of mine. You’re clearly not a guy who’s using comics as a stepping […]


THESIS: Battlestar Galactica comics.

Another case study for the THESIS (and one of the final papers for this term): Battlestar Galactica: Tom Zarek is a four-issue transmedia extension that explores Zarek’s origins.


THESIS: Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.

So I’m chugging through the truly excellent book Writing for Animation, Comics and Games by the inimitable Christy Marx, which I’m expecting to serve as a cornerstone for a decent-sized chunk of my THESIS. I was a good ways into the “Writing for Games” chunk when I came across this passage, which made me literally […]


THESIS: Panel One.

This is the first in what I’m hoping will be a long series of entries here that serve as mini-reviews of the texts I’m reading for my THESIS. For the first batch, I’m going to be focusing on writing for comics; I’m taking a class on comics this term with CMS co-head Henry Jenkins, so […]


Serenity Tales: Big Damn Fan Comics.

Quick bit of research for the THESIS: Serenity Tales is a site dedicated to fan comics for Joss Whedon’s Firefly/Serenity universe. Transmedia storytelling + user-generated content = hottt.


THESIS: Buffy season 8 in comics!

A quick note for my THESIS: Buffy the Vampire Slayer is doing the Transmedia Shuffle with its upcoming comics-only Season 8. Written by Joss, art by Georges Jeanty.


On An Actor Prepares, Hellboy, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip and Return to Labyrinth.

Yesterday was, all things considered, a fairly great day. The meeting and class scheduled for that afternoon were both canceled, so I suddenly had the opportunity to catch up on my coursework and other various projects – so catch up I did. I ran errands, I updated websites, I posted some new shots to Flickr, […]



I have in my hand the registration form for my third quarter at MIT. The list of classes on here are much different than last year. A full load is four classes, in the Spring semester I took seven, and this semester i’m taking five. So I’m still technically overloaded, but I’m being a smart […]


Some thoughts on transmedia storytelling.

It’s been a while since I’ve made any reflective posts about media and my thoughts on such things. This is largely due to my spending most of my days up to my neck in the subject – when you spend all your time swimming in this stuff, it becomes difficult to pull back and really […]
