Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Blogging

So, that happened.

How cool is this? And yes, it’s that Orlando Jones. Who, yes, I have had the privilege of meeting, and yes, he is very awesome. #FF #AcaFans @henryjenkins @flourish @bookdal @prof_anne @bertha_c @FanStudies @bennettlucyk @travelingheidi @geoffreylong @FrancescaMSmith — Orlando Jones (@TheOrlandoJones) April 11, 2014


Hello world. (Again.)

It feels decidedly odd to be writing here again. Delightful, yes. Wonderful, sure. But also very strange. It’s been almost exactly a year since I last posted something here, and it’s been three years since I stopped blogging more or less regularly. When I joined Microsoft, I couldn’t talk about what I was doing there […]


On having one’s hands full.

A quick note to apologize for the silence around these parts. Long story short, my full-time gig as the Lead Narrative Producer for Microsoft Studios’ Narrative Design Team is sucking up most of my bandwidth, and I (obviously) can’t blog about most of what goes on there. Further, any bandwidth I have left over is […]


Experiments in aggregation.

For a while now I’ve been kicking around the idea of how best to aggregate the writing I’ve been doing in various places. It seems sort of obnoxious (not to mention inefficient) to make a short “check out my new blog entry” cross-posting here every time I post something relevant to the other places I […]


Upgrades, part 3.

This might seem like a small thing, but it’s actually indicative of a bigger thing. Tonight I changed the ‘Miscellany’ section of this site to Consulting and moved the “Presentations and Lectures” page into the Writing section. Longtime friends and clients will note that, unlike my old consulting site that is (at least for now) […]


Upgrades, part 2.

Continuing in the same vein as before, I’ve now managed to the get Movable Type’s new Facebook Connect plugin up and running on this blog. If you’ve wanted to comment on something here but have been deterred in the past, give this a shot and see if it works for you! I’ve also installed Shaun […]


Housecleaning, part II!

Another annoyance fixed: the Archives page is now (mostly) fixed. The Archives had been publishing to the wrong page for the last little while (.html as opposed to .php) but now it’s back in the right place. The only thing still missing is the Search function, but one thing at a time.



I’m tidying up some loose bits around here, starting with this blog’s RSS feed. It had been inexplicably busted since I migrated to Movable Type 4, but now it’s up and running again. You can find it at feed://feeds.feedburner.com/TipOfTheQuill.


Uncle Warren versus Cobra Commander.

For those of you not following my Twitter stream, I have just posted a short essay featuring my (bemusement/excitement/fascination) that Warren Ellis is writing G.I. Joe webisodes over at the C3 blog. The article also features Joss Whedon’s new project Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog and Seth MacFarlane’s upcoming Seth MacFarlane’s Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy. Check […]


Don’t call it a comeback.

Jesus, what a waste of a day. After attempting to get FastCGI up and running on this MT install, I spent the rest of the day fixing a broken system. Ugh. I’m just grateful this blog is back at all after that little fiasco. Word to the wise – don’t try to upgrade Movable Type […]
