Geoffrey Long
Tip of the Quill: Archives
Desperately yearning for a Finishing Season.

So I'm staring at the calendar and at my to-do list and counting down the days until classes start. Lately I've been in a high stress place, a perpetual "fight or flight" mindset brought on by desperately wanting to get a bunch of my old side projects finished up and out the door so I can have at least a little time this summer when I can sit on the beach and think, "Wow, I have nothing to do" – and mean it. It seems unlikely, but everything for me right now is a form of finishing season. It's like I'm closing up shop on this stage of my life and getting ready to go barrelling into the next one. Those parts of my life that are coming with me – Inkblots, Untyped, Tohubohu, and Dreamsbay in some form or another – are all being polished up in some way, shape or form so that they can continue on with reduced involvement from yours truly. I'm finishing client projects, tidying up paperwork, and all that jazz – but right now I'm about a third to halfway though most of it, and I'm just desperate to be done. That "fight or flight" response in the sympathetic parts of my brain is wearing me out.

Anyone who knows HTML, Flash and some basic PHP that wants to throw me a hand, speak up now, please!

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