Geoffrey Long
Tip of the Quill: Archives
Things are looking up.

I've whacked that last post because it was just whiny, and because things are looking up since then. The business partner that was headed out on vacation called me back and laid the groundwork for me to keep hammering while she's gone, which is awesome, I got an email from a new potential client which could be excellent, and now I'm sitting in a coffeehouse in Evanston relaxing a little.

The biggest thing, though, is that I bit the bullet and went out and bought that Treo 650 I've been eyeing for months. It's sitting here next to me now, and I'm scouring the web for all the additional stuff I'm going to need. The first thing I've discovered is that the call quality on this sucker is marginal, but there's a ROM update I need to install which should help with that -- plus, I have every intention of using the Bluetooth headset I just ordered instead of holding a bloody great PDA to my jaw every time I have to answer a call. I am Geoffrey of Borg. Pleased to meet ya.

I'm also a little mortified by the sheer wiredness of my setup right now. I have my iPod jacked into my PowerBook, recharging, and the headphones jacked into the 'Book as well. I also have the smartphone plugged into the wall, as is the 'Book. This is really damn geeky. I'm going to have to figure out a better system for all this stuff, I can tell.

I've actually been thinking a lot about this lately -- what it means to be a geek in the 21st century, and how such an existence can be tempered, improved. I'm always going to be wired, but how does one live the wired life without being, well, a geek? I mean, there are aspects of being a geek which are good – intelligence, independent thought – but there are also aspects which make me as a designer shudder. A stereotypical geek lacks social skills, fashion sense and personal hygiene. Paris Hilton packs a fair degree of hardware, but no one thinks of her as a geek per se, because she does just fine in these three arenas (and she fails miserably in the 'intelligence' and 'independent thought' arenas, but I digress).

Hmmm. I wonder if I could pen a 'designer eye for the geek guy' article for Inkblots. There are certainly things that a geek can do to improve one's image which could bridge both worlds, right?



You are such a Gargoyle, Geoff.

And if you would ever read Snow Crash like I keep suggesting, you'd know what that means ;)

Gargoyle n. member of CIC intelligence who doesn't use a laptop but wears his computer on his body - "Gargoyles represent the embarrassing side of the Central Intelligence Corporation"



No, no, no derogatory connotations meant. I actually think that's cool (being a geek).

(3 min. later)
I looked up the url. Those are inadequate definitions. One of them is actually wrong. Also, they provide denotation, without connotation. The book is narrated by an unreliable narrator. You should still read it. I can't think of anyone I know who would be a better match for this book. It's like it was written just for you. :)

Paris Hilton is not a geek cause she has a film resume. And I don't mean a motion picture with credits. If you want to be wired and not a geek, try a night vision camera and a friend :)

Um, yeah. And that would shoot to the top of Warren Ellis' blog real fast.

As for Snow Crash, I leafed through a copy at Barnes and Noble this weekend, and it looks like it could be fun. Soon!

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