Geoffrey Long
Tip of the Quill: Archives
Quickie review.

I managed to pick up a copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix today at the outlet mall in Hagerstown, of all places. All the Borders, Barnes and Nobles and other such places in the DC area are, as far as I can tell, completely cleared out. Anyway, I'm already 279 pages into it and it's really quite good. Darker, yes. Somewhat depressing, yes. But the same Rowling magic is back in full force.

But so far I've found at least three typos. Tsk.


$15 at Sam's Club, and they have an immense stock. I'm on page 339. It's pretty cool.

I had mine delivered from Amazon, and I must say, it was worth it just for the packaging. The book came enclosed in a box that said things like "Darker Stories, Deeper Secrets" as well as a "This box should not be delivered prior to June 21st under any circumstances!"


I'm 300 pages in and definitely enjoying it. I promised my 8-year old cousin that I would let her borrow it by next Saturday (when we swing by her home in Indianapolis on the way to Wisconsin) so I'm racing to finish.

Yeah, I've promised my mom I'll let her borrow my copy when I head home for my cousin's wedding this weekend. Somehow I'm not worried that I won't have it finished by then. :)

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