Geoffrey Long
Tip of the Quill: Archives

My e-mail's been down all day, and I'm pissed about it. This is the one URL I have that's not yet been transferred over to my own server, and I think it's just about time we fixed that particular slight. Hrmf.

In other news, I would be horribly, horribly remiss if I didn't post something about the 2003 SXSW Web Design finalists being posted. Go check 'em out! (FWIW, the only category that Inkblots was legible for was the Redesign/Relaunch category, and that one's got Scene 360, Zeldman and k10k as three of its five finalists, so I'm not feeling dissed at all. Now, if some of the stuff happens this year that I want to happen, maybe next year will be different. Mwa ha ha.)

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