Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: GAMBIT

Back from Beyond.

…And that’s why the secret of the universe is a combination of quantum entanglement, interpersonal relationships and the square root of 1,764. What’s that? The signal cut out? Oh, how embarrassing. Sorry about that – let me try and catch you up. Over a year ago, I posted that 2010 would be different. Boy, I […]


2010: The Year We Make Up

This is one of my favorite times, the liminal space between one year and the next. For most people, this time for intense thinking and planmaking runs from Christmas through New Year’s, but at MIT this period is extended through the beginning of February. (Yet another reason I love it so much here at MIT.) […]


Strange Little Beast: On Newly-Owning a PSP.

It’s been something I’ve waffled over doing ever since I first joined up with GAMBIT. Should I? Shouldn’t I? It’s a lot of money, the ROI is somewhat questionable, but… But… Finally, yesterday the stars aligned, the proper slot machine tumblers of fate finally clunked into place, I was in the right place and the […]


Waker wins the Bytejacker Indie Game of the Week!

Woo-hoo! Waker, the game I wrote for GAMBIT this summer, just won the Bytejacker Game of the Week competition, beating out two really impressive other games, Station 38 and Alchemia – and by a pretty wide margin to boot. Check out what the players themselves had to say at the 5:05 mark of the video […]


Where in the world is Geoffrey Long?

For those of you wondering why I’ve been so silent lately, especially when teh Intarwebs have been so wonderfully flush with transmedia storytelling news, I have two responses: I’m in Singapore. I’m currently on the other side of the planet from my regular home base in Boston – seriously, Singapore is a 12-hour time difference […]


Introducing Waker!

I’ve been working with the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab for a while now, primarily as its Communications Director but also occasionally as a researcher. This summer I had my first chance to write a game with this group, and now said game – Waker by Poof Games – is up and available to play for […]


April: The Month That Got Away. (Kinda.)

Rabbit rabbit! OK, now that that’s out of the way… Great Caesar’s ghost, what a month. Alas, the 2009 30|30 project didn’t work out, as I’d feared – still, eighteen poems is better than I fared last year, when I petered out at thirteen (yet still not as good as the first year I did […]



This is a tiny little thing, but I was thinking this morning about how the GAMBIT website uses funny terminology for each of its sections. Back when Philip and I were first designing it, we wanted to name each section after a component of the gaming experience, so “News” became “Updates”, “Careers” became “Join Game”, […]
