Tip of the Quill: A Journal
Good migrations.

Slowly, bit by bit, the new Tip of the Quill is coming online. I spent a big chunk of the evening tonight formatting the individual entry pages for the new version, so they’re mostly ready to roll. There’s a bunch of functionality that I’d specially-built into the old TOTQ that I think I’m going to leave out of this version for now – but I’m also hard at work trying to set up things like cron jobs and custom perl scripts to do some nifty stuff here that I couldn’t do before. Wish me luck – I’m hoping to get this finished by the end of the weekend…
Also. It is worth noting that little bits and pieces of the site are being updated as well, to incorporate a little bit of the new look (“new look” meaning “new headers and a little flourishy dingbat here and there, cribbed from Inkblots, of course”) and those are coming online in odd bursts. There will be pages that have been updated and pages that haven’t popping up in random intervals across the board, most likely straight through Monday.
Also also. The other thing that’s appearing here now are a number of strange little best practices that I’ve been picking up across the Net. Hence the new modified Biography page with the “short” bio, a lesson learned from Kevin, whose new site is a really pretty piece of work. More of these will appear as the new site unfurls.