Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Voice: Tip of the Quill

Prayers requested.

Hey, all. I know some of you aren’t of the praying variety, but for those of you that are, please extend your prayers for Shana West and Laura Thomas, two of my friends who were in Thailand this morning when the disaster struck. Neither of them has been heard from yet, as far as I […]



Yesterday, my friend Sara was horrified – horrified – that my Christmas shopping wasn’t finished. In fact, I had barely even started it. In fact, I hadn’t bought a single thing. She was also appalled that I wasn’t that stressed out about it. Today, I did my Christmas shopping. All of it. Granted, there was […]


The Day Things Get Done.

I have officially declared today The Day Things Get Done, wherein I will finish a whole pile of little projects and get them all out of my hair. This includes things like client gigs, Christmas cards, Christmas shopping, etc. I was feeling overwhelmed until I read this interview with comics author Grant Morrison, wherein Mr. […]


On birthdays.

While I was either away or lost in The Seas of Busy, Mike Davidson turned 30, I turned 27 and my friend and Inkblots alum Emily Anne Leachman also turned… Um… Something. Personally, I feel like 27 is going to be the beginning of my Golden Age. I don’t know why, but I seriously feel […]


When I redesign, I’m adding a sideblog.

Despite the fact that the headline directly contradicts what Greg is talking about in this article, this is exactly the kind of thing I’d throw into a nice little sideblog there on the side of this here enterprise – Greg Storey’s Airbag hopefully predicts 2005 will kick off the Bronze Age of Web Design. I […]


Now there’s an idea…

I came across The Basecamp Manifesto the other day and immediately thought, “I should write one of these.” The Inkblots Manifesto. The Dreamsbay Manifesto. The Tohubohu Manifesto. Of course, if Bill and I are already on government watchlists for our continuing political rants, I suppose writing any ‘manifesto’ at all would probably result in a […]


Bear with me — life is nuts.

This last week has been, and the next week will be, absolutely and utterly insane. Today, for instance, I’m driving from Chicago to New York, and then from New York to Boston on Monday. There’s an open house at a grad school program I really like up there, and things have worked out so that […]


Comments are off again.

After another thirteen thousand comments appeared on this weblog in the last two weeks, I’ve yanked the comments again. Now they’ve found Ken’s weblog too, and things are getting out of hand. Here’s the trouble: I have my archives almost ready to make the switch, but I need a good solid couple of hours to […]


I’m dreaming of a white Thanksgiving.

I’m writing this on my parents’ bondi blue iMac, sitting in my Dad’s office, and watching flurries tumbling past the window. The trees and the ground both have a light white dusting, and baby, it’s cold outside. Winter has officially descended upon Ohio; I imagine Chicago won’t be far behind. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody. I’m grateful […]


Waking up tired.

So this weekend I did a small amount of work, finally experienced Akira Kurosawa’s The Seven Samurai (I’d seen Rashomon before, so I wasn’t a complete Kurosawa virgin), read China Mieville’s excellent debut novel King Rat, did a prodigious amount of hammering on the new site for Tohubohu, and spent a few hours in the […]
