Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: TV

Fringe benefits.

Last night I settled into the couch and watched the two-hour series premiere of JJ Abrams‘ new series Fringe. As a follower of Abrams’ work (I’m a latecomer fan to LOST, I caught Cloverfield in its original theatrical release and his TED talk is one of my favorites) I’d been looking forward to this for […]


Music, cultural theorists and the late work of Groucho Marx.

Ken, this one’s for you, coming courtesy of a link in Journalista! and WFMU’s Beware of the Blog. In 1969, ABC had a musical variety TV show called Music Scene. When the show ended, they got a very special co-host: the 79-year-old Groucho Marx. Sporting an absolutely amazing hat straight from an MIT graduation, he […]


NYT on Friday Night Lights.

Today’s New York Times Magazine features a brilliant essay by Virginia Heffernan on Friday Night Lights and Art in the Age of Franchising: The fault of “Friday Night Lights” is extrinsic: the program has steadfastly refused to become a franchise. It is not and will never be “Heroes,” “Project Runway,” “The Hills” or Harry Potter. […]


SNL on the Writer’s Strike.

Holy crap, I didn’t know Saturday Night Live could still be funny!


Must-See TV: Apple TV or Three-Tier TV?

As I’ve been working on my THESIS, I’ve come to appreciate the iTunes video store in an all-new way. The Apple TV device is finally shipping to stores this week, but as my recent behavior has shown, I’m not entirely sure I’m the right market for it. (Me? Not lusting after an Apple product? Horrors!) […]



I just made a throwaway reference to Bill Gates’ claim that TV will be irrelevant in five years, but I find myself wondering about what exactly we’re going to see replace it. Me, my own TV consumption patterns have changed due to TiVo in the same way that my weblog consumption patterns have changed due […]


Genre in 3 Lbs (or less).

Yesterday William Uricchio, the other co-head of CMS, forwarded on a New York Times review of the new medical drama 3 Lbs, which includes the following nifty tidbit on genre: A procedural, be it a crime series like Law & Order or a medical show like House or 3 Lbs, is a genre that works […]


IPTV: Super Deluxe!

Interesting things are afoot in the IPTV space – Turner Broadcasting is launching what might be the first high-profile IPTV “station”, Super Deluxe. The beauty here is that it’s not linked to any existing channel – it’s its own entity. Hmmm. This is one to keep an eye on… More as it develops.


Vamping Adult Swim.

Is it just me, or does Adult Swim’s new Trinity Blood look almost like a sort of fluffy retelling of Hellsing from the POV of the Vatican?


Lloyd as Lessig on The West Wing!

Wow! Christopher Lloyd is playing Lawrence Lessig on The West Wing! Christopher freakin’ Lloyd is playing a public intellectual whom I’ve met on my favorite TV show. You’ll have to excuse me, I’m having a life is pretty freaking cool moment.
