Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Design


My annoyance du jour: the failed promise of PNGs. They seem like they should be the holy grail for so many designer problems, no? But alas, no – support for them is still iffy on almost all browsers, as evidenced this morning by my continued attempts to get a simple JavaScript rollover working with PNGs. […]


Web design sucks.

Maybe I’m just getting old, or maybe it’s just that I’ve been doing this for too long, but I’m getting really, really sick and tired of building websites with no imaginative content. Seriously. The same old lame brochureware stuff with few graphics, just a bunch of text in a semi-modern color palette, is just painful. […]


Finishing season: Ron Kelley.

Another little voiceover site, but one whose aesthetic I really love. Check it out over at ronkelleyvo.com.


Finishing Season #3: Rob Warner Photo.

Third up in the launch list, fresh off the presses this afternoon, is Rob Warner Photography, a clean, sharp site for a Chicago photographer with a portfolio powered by Todd Dominey’s SlideShowPro. Lots of Flash involved in this one, so heads up. Next!


Finishing Season #2: Levin Ginsburg Attorneys at Law.

This project, produced by Anne Gallagher at Extreme Marketing and designed by Maria Sitelis from Sitelis Design, is a very utilitarian but straightforward and elegant site for Levin Ginsburg: Attorneys at Law. This project’s been a long time coming, but it’s always cool to see a plan come together. (Thank you, Hannibal.)


Finishing Season #1: Tory Ross.

As I push these projects live, I’m going to throw links to them up here so you can see what I’ve been working on. First up, a nifty little Flash piece for one of our Sound Advice voiceover clients, Tory Ross. Check out the nifty zooming trick accomplished by a scaled motion-blurred Photoshop image bookended […]


The wisdom of sThig, cont’d: handling bad clients.

In his post Top Ten Ways to handle Bad Clients, Scott Thigpen fields some really great insights, and some things I need to keep in mind right now, especially: Ask for asshole money up front. Insanely wise. I have a gig right now where the clients kept me waiting for content for literally six months, […]


Photographers’ sites suck.

So I’ve recently had a whole flurry of people asking me about photography websites, which is cool – I’ve done them before, but a bunch of recent developments on the scene (Flickr, SlideShowPro, etc.) have led me to believe that it is now possible to bulid some truly exciting things for this particular industry. This […]


Comfy car seats.

Just a quick thought: how come there’s never (as far as I know) been a car seat made out of denim? Is it because it wouldn’t be resistant enough to rain and other weather? Anybody know?


Gut-reaction: oxymoronic.

I would actually really like the phrase “Microsoft Design” to not be an oxymoron. For the purposes of the democratization of great design and the global imporvement of the quality of life that should result, the notion that the world’s biggest software company (and most pervasive) could also become a leader in that particular mission […]
